WATCH: Stock picks — Curro and Sasol

Drikus Combrinck from Capicraft chose Curro Holdings as his stock pick of the day and ​Devin Schutte from The Robert Group chose Sasol.

Combrinck said Curro had missed expectations earlier in 2018 but still had growth of more than 20%.

“At the moment, Curro is sitting at a 5% return on equity, so you can see them growing their earnings per share by five times over the next few years without building or buying even just one extra school.”

Schutte said Sasol has been interesting to watch over the past few weeks as the oil price collapsed.

“We are probably going to see more stability in oil on around $60 to $80 a barrel. They [Sasol] have some projects coming online mid 2019 and it seems as though the market is underestimating the earnings … that will generate from that.”
