WATCH: Stock picks — Sirius and Equinix

Ricus Reeders from PSG Wealth Sandton chose Sirius Real Estate as his stock pick of the day and Nesan Nair from Sasfin Securities chose Equinix.

Reeders said: “I think Sirius, as an owner of office retail but also a lot of industrial manufacturing type of properties and considering the way that they are as a company — cash flush, rental income, net asset value, all going up — can take advantage of lower prices right now and will benefit on that kind of rebound that’s bound to come in the next 12-18 months.”

Nair said: “Equinix is the largest provider of cloud infrastructure in the world. We all know about Microsoft cloud and Google cloud and we understand that a lot of services are now being hosted on the cloud and many people are using the cloud for various things.”
