Numsa condemns Golden Arrow for forcing employees to work during lockdown

The National Union of Metal Workers South Africa (Numsa) has condemned Golden Arrow bus services in the Western Cape for allegedly forcing workers to go to work during the national lockdown.

The union says Golden Arrow in the region is disregarding the national lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

The Union says Golden Arrow lied to the Western Cape provisional government by declaring itself essential services to force workers to return to work.

Numsa says the company is risking the lives of its workers at the expense of making profits.

Numsa spokesperson Phakamile Hlubi- Majola says the Golden Arrow has threatened legal action against the union.

“The management of Golden Arrow is trying to make workers to defy the lockdown and go to work. This is nothing more than attempted murder and we demand that they stop immediately.”

“Golden Arrow is not an essential service and it cannot declare it’s self overnight. As a result of this mis- information two bus drivers were arrested on Friday for carrying busloads of passengers.”

“Both of these drivers were following the instructions of management and in direct contravention for call to implement social distancing.”

Meanwhile the number of coronavirus infections is at 1 280 with two death.

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Source: SABC News (