How to repair and repaint surfaces after water damage

Water damage can ruin the entire interior of your home. If the proper measures to repair the damage are not taken in a timely fashion, one could face recurring problems.

An important part of repairing and repainting a surface after water damage has taken place, is to take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening again. With the correct techniques and use of quality paint products, in the form of damp-proofing and waterproofing paint, you can ensure that water damage will not be a regular occurrence in your home or office. This article will give you a step-by-step guide of how to get your surfaces looking good as new despite how severe the damage may appear.

Step 1: Clean and disinfect the damaged area
The area that has sustained damage is likely to have accumulated certain grime and dirt in the time from when it occurred to when you get around to repairing it, so cleaning it is a necessary first step. All you will need is some sugar soap and a damp cloth to remove any dirt from the surface.

Growths like bacteria, yeast, fungi and algae occur in moist conditions on all kinds of surfaces so using a biocide like Paintcor’s Ushevu is advisable to ensure all your hard work is not wasted. After doing all the work to repair the damaged area, only to discover an unseemly growth of algae would be very unfortunate. To avoid this, simply use a biocide like the Ushevu during the first step of repairing the surface. Ushevu will help prevent any growth in the future, especially in locations with a high level of humidity.

Once this has been done, allow the surface to dry and remove all loose and flaking paint back to a sound surface.

Step 2: Cover the water damaged area with a sealant
A product that acts as a sealant for the substrate will assist in repairing the damage and ensure that any cracks do not spread and cause further damage once the surface is repaired. A paint product like Acrylatex will prevent any future moisture ingress as well as repair large, damaged cementitious surfaces where feather edging is required. It creates water resistance while improving the flexibility of the cement.

Step 3: Apply a primer to prepare the surface for painting
Dampprime has been designed to restrain rising damp as well as repair water damage. Any rising damp will not penetrate the primer giving you peace of mind that your repairs will be safe due to the fact that the product hardens into a water-tight barrier. This way you have an additional layer of damp-proofing and waterproofing paint.

Step 4: Apply an undercoat with good hiding power
To ensure that your layer of paint (step 5) will go on evenly, you should apply an undercoat that provides excellent “tooth” for the subsequent coats like Unisub. This paint product is quick drying and perfect for covering stubborn stains caused by water damage.

Step 5: Apply a layer of paint
The last step is to apply a layer of paint that will create a clean finish on the previously damaged surface. Choose a paint product like Enduracoat for kitchens and bathrooms and Paintcor Elegance for the remainder of the house.

Trusted paint supplier and manufacturers at Paintcor have been delivering excellent paint products and services since 1986. Contact Paintcor for more information on how their products can help you get the perfect finish for any surface.
